
Showing posts from July, 2014

Very Unimpressive Last Two Months... and Longer?

There are no words to describe my absolute lack of progress these last few months.  I have done NO writing of any consequence.  It's depressing and a bit embarrassing.  I thought I had more followthrough than what I have been displaying thus far with my writing.  I have started dozens of stories, with varying degrees of plot complexity, but have only finished one book length story in what is ... wow... a decade of writing off and on in my spare time. I know it is no consolation, but I am on track, and even a little ahead of schedule, to meet my reading goal for the year.  I've read 31 books as of today out of the 50 I set as a goal.  I am beginning to see that I need to set hard deadlines for myself with regards to writing rather than the fluid "write when you are in the mood" style I have been adhering to up to now.  I am going to have to do some research to see what is a reasonable daily/weekly/monthly goal.  If I am going to formalize this whole process I need to